All NEMOs Consultation

In accordance with Article 12 of the Commission Regulation (EU) No 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (hereafter referred to as CACM), the Nominated Electricity Market Operators (hereafter referred to as NEMOs) will hold a public consultation on the following proposals for terms and conditions or methodologies that have been prepared, in cooperation with the relevant TSOs, in accordance with Article 9 of CACM: A common proposal for the price coupling algorithm and for the continuous trading matching algorithm (Algorithm proposal), incorporating a common set of requirements for the price coupling algorithm.

All interested parties are invited to check all information regarding the consultation here.

Workshop 14112016 - ENTSO-E presentation - Day Ahead and Intraday Algorithm requirements.pdf (610.5 KiB)


Workshop 14112016 - NEMO Consultation on CACM Methodologies.pdf (1.1 MiB)


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