BSP Southpool with strong first quarter
BSP SouthPool recorded a constant growth of trading volumes and orders on Slovenian as well as on Serbian day-ahead market in the first quarter of 2009. The total volume of orders on both markets reached 0,1 TWh, as of more than 70 percent of all orders were entered on Slovenian day ahead market. The total volume of orders on the Slovenian day ahead market in March compared to February increased from 17.570 MWh to 39.582 MWh and on Serbian day ahead market from 1.440 MWh to 16.398 MWh due to increased activity of the exchange members. Since the launch of BSP SouthPool in November 2008, volumes have been constantly growing.
Total volume of trading has significantly increased every month from the beginning of the year, at the end of March the volume of concluded transactions in 2009 reached 2.398 MWh for the Slovenian market. Most of transactions were concluded with the off-peak1 (17) and base (8) product. Average price for base product reached 47,58 EUR/MWh and for off-peak1 product reached 28,90 EUR/MWh. There were no concluded transactions in the Serbian market in the first three months of 2009.
In the first quarter of 2009, BSP also connected two new members, Verbund (Österreichische Elektrizitätswirtschafts-AG) and EGL (Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft Laufenburg AG). There are also several other large European utilities that see South Eastern Europe as a promising opportunity and thus in the process to become a BSP member. BSP SouthPool management believes that the growth of new members will have further positive impact on increasing the liquidity of regional energy exchange.
Currently, the exchange has 15 members: Danske commodities, Electrabel, Edison Trading, EGL, Elektro Maribor, Elektro Primorska, Elektro prodaja, Enel Trading, Energy financing team, Gen-I, Holding Slovenske elektrarne, Petrol energetika, Rudnap Group, Termoelektrarna toplarna Ljubljana and Verbund.