Obvestilo glede incidenta pri trgovanju za dan naprej dne 7. junija
11. junija 2019 je bila sprožena preiskava o incidentu pri trgovanju za dan vnaprej na dan 7. junija (uradno obrazložitev podajamo spodaj v angleškem jeziku)
11th June 2019: The Day-ahead Joint Steering Committee has today initiated an in-depth investigation of the incident on the 7th of June
- Since its launch in February 2014, more than 5 years ago, the Day-Ahead Multi Regional Coupling (MRC) has been operating successfully.
- On the 7th June an issue occurred which prevented the EPEX CWE and EPEX GB order books from being sent to the common coupling system.
- The incident was caused by an internal IT issue at EPEX and was not caused by the common market coupling algorithm.
- The issue could not be fixed in time and at 12:50 CET the market was informed about the partial decoupling of EPEX CWE, EPEX GB and consequently, following procedures and due to the geographical position of Iberia, of OMIE.
- This triggered the execution of the agreed fallback procedures.
- Common coupling systems and procedures worked as expected, ensuring the coupling of the remaining part of MRC.
- The Joint Steering Committee has today initiated an in-depth investigation of the incident to identify lessons learned to mitigate the risk of similar incidents in the future.