
 ACER - Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators


Borzen d.o.o.

Centrica plc

Elektro Energija (Elektro Ljubljana) d.o.o.

Elektro Gorenjska Prodaja (Elektro Gorenjska) d.o.o.

Elektro Maribor Energija plus (Elektro Maribor) d.o.o.

E3 (Elektro Primorska) d.o.o.

ELES d.o.o.

Energy Community Secretariat

JP Elektroprivreda Srbije


Erih Energy & Energy   Commodities Trading co.

EVN Trading South East Europe EAD

Univerza v Ljubljani Fakulteta za Elektrotehniko

GEN energija d.o.o.

GEN-I d.o.o.

Interenergo d.o.o.

KOSTT j.s.c.

Nordjysk Elhandel A/S

SODO d.o.o.

Soške elektrarne d.o.o.

TE TOL d.o.o.

Termo elektrarna Brestanica d.o.o.

Vattenfall Energy Trading GmbH

Verbund Trading AG

Virtuse energija d.o.o.


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