Auction Trading Results

Volume MWh
Euro Peak Price EUR/MWh

Intraday Results

Quarterly volume
Hourly volume
Block volume
Total volume MWh
Quarterly volume MWh
Hourly volume MWh
Block volume MWh


Day Ahead
Austria Slovenia MWh Slovenia Austria MWh
Hungary Slovenia MWh Slovenia Hungary MWh
Croatia Slovenia MWh Slovenia Croatia MWh
Italy Slovenia MWh Slovenia Italy MWh


Austria - Slovenia MWh Croatia - Slovenia MWh Hungary - Slovenia MWh Italy - Slovenia MWh


Slovenia - Austria MWh Slovenia - Croatia MWh Slovenia - Hungary MWh Slovenia - Italy MWh


Stay updated on BSP's latest energy market developments and trading activity. BSP’s newsletter provides a quarterly summary of trading reports on the Slovenian market, with a clear breakdown of trading data. Readers come across the latest updates on BSP's ongoing implementation projects, along with exclusive interviews featuring our esteemed regional partners.
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BSP offers knowledge transfer with training courses that offer a wide range of options, from basic knowledge of the power markets with market coupling to tailor-made workshops. Our goal is to provide comprehensive information on market functionalities, as only well-informed participants contribute to the overall success of the market.
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Market data

Our download centre offers a convenient way to access all the essential Slovenian market indices for both Day-ahead and Intraday markets. You can download a wide variety of raw historical and analytical data, which will give you an expansive view of the market trends and fluctuations over time.
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ADEX Group celebrates successful merger with Hungarian Power Exchange

Anže Predovnik, Chairman of the Management Board of ADEX Group says: “Today we can claim that the era of the formation of well-functioning regional power exchange for Central and South-Eastern Europe has come. It is our privilege to say to the world that Hungarian Power Exchange, HUPX has become part of ADEX Holding. This step marks another significant milestone in the company's business development and sets firm, that ADEX is a leading exchange hub for trading with the electricity in the region. ADEX is committed to connect the fragmented markets in the Central and South-Eastern Europe into a single European electricity market. It is our responsibility that we share our European vision and knowledge about positive effects of integration.”

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Setup a Clearing Service in Montenegro 2023

In 2022 EPEX and BSP partnered with Montenegrin exchange BELEN for the establishment and operation of the Montenegrin Day-ahead market and the clearing of the exchange transactions. This strategic alliance was formed with the objective of leveraging the expertise and knowledge of all parties involved, in order to create a robust and efficient market that would benefit all stakeholders.

The day ahead market with clearing solution became operational on April 26, 2023.

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Clearing Service in North Macedonia 2023

BSP and EPEX have successfully joined forces once again for the establishment of the North Macedonian Day-ahead market with the Macedonian Electricity Market Operator (MEMO), building on their knowledge and expertise of a parallel project.

BSP provided a clearing solution and coordinated the overall design of the project, including the technical specifications of the clearing application and the creation of a detailed plan for testing the localized clearing solution. Joint efforts ensured that the clearing process was efficient, effective, and met all necessary requirements.

The Macedonia day-ahead market with the clearing solution became operational on May 10, 2023.

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Intraday Market Setup in Serbia 2023

In September 2022, SEEPEX partnered with BSP to launch a project to establish a Serbian Intraday Continuous market. The result marks the first significant and concrete result of the synergy created within the ADEX Group.

New market enables energy traders to buy and sell electricity in real-time, providing greater flexibility and efficiency in the management of energy supply and demand. With the introduction of the new platform, the Serbian energy market is poised to become even more dynamic and competitive, offering new opportunities for producers and consumers alike.

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Latest news

Auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses in the electricity system - ELES - 16.4.2025

  We are informing you that the first Auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses in the electricity system in the year 2025 will be held on 16th of April 2025. All details of the auction and offered products can be found in Auction specifications losses – April 2025. All interested parties, who are not already registered, are invited to submit an application for the Auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses in the electricity system in accordance with the Rules for the purchase of energy to cover losses in the electricity system. Registration is not limited in time and is...

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SIDC Nears 15-Minute Market Time Unit (MTU) Completion // Activation of Romanian Borders in Intraday Auctions

  Latest Bidding Zones (BZs) Benefiting from the Change: Norway (all BZs), Portugal, Spain // 32 Internal and External Nordic, Iberian and Polish Bidding Zone Borders Transitioning from 60 Min to 15 Min Resolution // RO-HU and ROBG Bidding Zone Borders Integrated into IDAs.

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Public consultation on Harmonized maximum and minimum clearing prices methodologies (HMMCP) for single day-ahead coupling and for single intraday coupling

  All NEMOs have launched а joint consultation for the methodologies of Harmonized maximum and minimum clearing prices for single day-ahead coupling (SDAC) and for single intraday coupling (SIDC) in line with Article 12 of the CACM Regulation. The public consultation targets Market participants, TSOs and NRAs which can provide their responses via the public consultation  section on the NEMO Committee website The amendments proposed by NEMOs can be found in the respective Explanatory notes: Explanatory note for HMMCP (SDAC) Explanatory note for HMMCP (SIDC) A  dedicated workshop...

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Market messages