
is to become the leading energy exchange in the field of intraday trading in the Western Balkans. The goal is to unify trading systems with exchanges within the group and to expand intraday trading services to other markets in the region. The mutual integration of these markets through the mechanism of merging markets or implicit auctions into the single European electricity market and the introduction of new exchange products will enable BSP to become a key operating centre for intraday trading in the region.

The regional intraday market provides market participants with high-quality and comprehensive services of a liquid, competitive and transparent intraday exchange market, providing them with trading security and reducing their risks and costs.

The highly professional, neutral and influential BSP Energy Exchange, as a centre of excellence for intraday trading within the ADEX GROUP, is a promoter of the development of the Slovenian energy market and the transfer of knowledge and experience in the field of electricity trading in the wider region.


BSP's mission is to primarily ensure the competitive environment of the energy exchange, the financial security of market participants and the efficient use of production and transmission energy infrastructure through the expansion and development of market activity and the development of energy markets. A well-functioning electricity market is one of the key elements for the transition of the EU economy to a sustainable economic model and thus for the implementation of the European Green Deal or the achievement of climate neutrality by 2050.


Poslanstvo, vizija, cilji

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