

Bilateral market coupling SI-IT

Slovenian and Italian market coupling for Day-ahead electricity trading involves the simultaneous allocation of cross-border transmission capacities and electricity since January 1st, 2011.


Intraday start

In mid-October, BSP, in cooperation with Borzen and ELES, enabled Intraday electricity trading and clearing within a single application, offering improved user-friendliness and better market liquidity.


Internal Electricity Market Integration

The Italian Borders Market Coupling links the Italian borders with the Multi-Regional Coupling (MRC) and demonstrates the flexibility and reliability of the Price Coupling of Regions (PCR) solution.


NEMO nomination

On 21 December 2015, BSP was designated by the Energy Agency as a Nominated Electricity Market Operator for 4 years, to perform the single Day-ahead and Intraday coupling within the territory of the Republic of Slovenia.


Bilateral Intraday market coupling on SI-IT

Slovenian and Italian regulatory agencies proposed a pilot Intraday market matching project at the border to ELES, TERNA, BSP, and GME. The project introduced implicit auctions for allocating Intraday cross-border transmission capacity and was completed on June 21, 2016.


Day-ahead AT-SI Go-live

BSP joined a multi-regional market merger in the central-southern European region, with operational implementation on the Slovenian-Italian border. A temporary market merger project was proposed and successfully completed on July 21, 2016, despite the classification of the Slovenian-Austrian border in the central European region.


Day-ahead HR-SI Go-live

On June 19th, 2018, the Slovenian-Croatian Market Coupling Project was launched, which demonstrates the flexibility and reliability of the Price Coupling of Regions (PCR) solution. The Go-Live is pending final approval by the regulatory authorities involved.


SIDC (XBID) Go-live

BSP joined the European Single Intraday Coupling project (SIDC; former XBID) on the 19th of November 2019. The SIDC solution is based on a common IT system with one Shared Order Book, a Capacity Management Module, and a Shipping Module.


Slovenian long-term Futures

Trading with Slovenian long-term financial products became possible on 3.6.2019. This implementation enabled traders to hedge against price risks up to 6 years in advance.


Core Go-live

On June 8, 2022, the PXs and system operators of the Central European Region implemented Day-ahead market coupling in the CORE region by calculating available CZCs using the flow-based method after successful tests and simulations. The region includes market coupling operations at the Slovenian-Austrian, Slovenian-Hungarian, and Slovenian-Croatian borders.


Launch of Adex Group

Alpine-Adriatic Danube Power Exchange - ADEX, the first regional power exchange for Central and South-Eastern Europe, was officially established on 23 December 2022 in Ljubljana via formal signature of its founding members ELES, EMS, and EPEX SPOT.


Clearing Service in Montenegro

In 2022, EPEX and BSP partnered with Montenegrin exchange BELEN to establish and operate the Montenegrin Day-ahead market and clear exchange transactions. The Day-ahead market with a clearing solution became operational on April 26, 2023.


Clearing Service in North Macedonia

BSP and EPEX collaborated to establish the North Macedonian Day-ahead market with MEMO. BSP provided a clearing solution and oversaw the project's design and testing. The market became operational on May 10, 2023.


Intraday Market Setup in Serbia

In September 2022, SEEPEX and BSP launched a project to establish a Serbian Intraday Continuous market, enabling real-time buying and selling of electricity. This marks the first significant outcome of the ADEX Group collaboration, aiming to make the Serbian energy market more dynamic and competitive.

Market messages