We are informing you that the first Auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses in the electricity system in the year 2025 will be held on 16th of April 2025. All details of the auction and offered products can be found in Auction specifications losses – April 2025. All interested parties, who are not already registered, are invited to submit an application for the Auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses in the electricity system in accordance with the Rules for the purchase of energy to cover losses in the electricity system. Registration is not limited in time and is...
Latest Bidding Zones (BZs) Benefiting from the Change: Norway (all BZs), Portugal, Spain // 32 Internal and External Nordic, Iberian and Polish Bidding Zone Borders Transitioning from 60 Min to 15 Min Resolution // RO-HU and ROBG Bidding Zone Borders Integrated into IDAs.
All NEMOs have launched а joint consultation for the methodologies of Harmonized maximum and minimum clearing prices for single day-ahead coupling (SDAC) and for single intraday coupling (SIDC) in line with Article 12 of the CACM Regulation. The public consultation targets Market participants, TSOs and NRAs which can provide their responses via the public consultation section on the NEMO Committee website The amendments proposed by NEMOs can be found in the respective Explanatory notes: Explanatory note for HMMCP (SDAC) Explanatory note for HMMCP (SIDC) A dedicated workshop...
For the Baltic region the change will apply from the implementation of 15-min. MTU in SDAC In early 2024 the Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) cooperating within the Single day-ahead coupling (SDAC) conducted a Public Consultation related to the potential removal of the Second Auctions. As a result of the consultation and following the relevant National Regulatory Authorities approvals, the Second Auctions are no longer applied for the following countries as of 29 January 2025 (trading day): Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,...
In SIDC project there was a successful implementation of 15minute products to the French bidding zone and also transition of contract resolution to the Italian borders to 15 minute. That means Slovenian market participants will be able to trade as of 23.01.2025 delivery day, on 15 minute resolution also on SI-IT border. Since Slovenia already had 15 minute implementation on all the other borders, that means we have completed the full transition to the current lowest time resolution of trading on all of our borders. More about implementation in the article below:
Last Thursday, January 9th, BSP Energy Exchange LL C ran public auctions on behalf of Borzen, power market operator using BSP’s auctioning platform to sell electricity and purchase emission allowances for the operation of Šoštanj Thermal Power Plant. BSP’s auctioning platform was a perfect fit for the job since it allows flexibility in the definition of products and price calculation methods with a short lead time.
As 2024 came to a close, BSP had the privilege of expanding its Membership by welcoming two new members. We were delighted to first welcome Nord Energy Oy, and shortly after, ENNA Next d.o.o. joined our growing community.
The transition to the 15-minute Market Time Unit (MTU) in the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) marks a significant milestone in the evolution of Europe’s energy markets. Following a reassessment of the implementation plan by NEMOs and TSOs, the new go-live date for the 15-minute MTU implementation is set for 11 June 2025 with delivery date of 12 June 2025. To secure the continuity of the day ahead coupling, and taking into consideration market participants’ suggestions, NEMOs and TSOs have agreed to follow the go-live with a short rollback period of one week. Click the link below...
ADEX Group is pleased to announce the successful closing of the transaction that brings HUPX, under the ownership of ADEX, marking a milestone in the development of the region’s power trading landscape. This achievement positions ADEX Group as the premier power trading hub for Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe, further supporting market liquidity, integration through market coupling, efficiency, and price transparency.
BSP’s day-ahead volume increased by 34.72% compared to last year. From January to August 2024, our trading volume reached an impressive 8,470,071 MWh, compared to 6,287,096 MWh during the same period last year. The result also implies that trading volume at BSP exceeds Slovenian energy consumption in the observed period by 19.42%.
A new record was set for daily intraday trading volume on BSP reaching 11.848,80 MWh on June 3rd, which is 2.6% higher than the previous record of 11.545,50 MWh, concluded on August 4th, 2023.
We are pleased to announce the confirmation of the go-live date for Intraday Auctions (IDAs) on the 13th of June 2024. You can read the full press release in the attachment.
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