In the year 2014, the Italian Borders Market Coupling Project launched to implement the European target model for the day ahead Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management on the all Italian borders: FR-IT, CH-IT, AT-IT, SI-IT, and GR-IT.

After successful completion of all testing activities in January 2015, the launch of the Italian Borders Market Coupling was taken place on 24 February 2015. From this date onwards, capacity for the FR-IT, AT-IT and SI-IT borders are implicitly allocated through the PCR solution for the Day-Ahead markets, making those borders part of the MRC.

The AT-SI Market Coupling started operational, with delivery on 22 July 2016. The Day-Ahead capacity for the AT-SI border are implicitly allocated through the Price Coupling of Regions (PCR) solution, a set of harmonized procedures already in operation across Europe, making this border a part of the pan-European Multi-Regional Coupling (MRC).

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