Archive of Press Releases

Newsletter - NEW Edition

Be the first to receive exclusive BSP SouthPool Newsletter, packed with timely, relevant information, interviews and much more directly in your inbox.

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Optimax Energy GmbH - New Member on BSP Southpool

Happy to welcome Optimax Energy GmbH as a new member on BSP Southpool Energy Exchange. With offices in Leizig and Sofia, Optimax is a trading firm that operates around the clock and around Europe, including Germany, France, Denmark, Netherlands, UK, Austria, Slovenia, Bulgaria. They have traded over €60 million across all products in 2017.

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EEX cooperates with BSP Southpool to launch Slovenian power futures

The European Energy Exchange (EEX) and the Slovenian Energy Exchange (BSP Southpool) have entered into a cooperation to further strengthen the Slovenian power market with the introduction of Slovenian power futures on EEX platform.

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Introduction of day-ahead market coupling and new trading opportunites for BSP members

Today for the first time, the day-ahead capacities on all Slovenian electricity borders have been implicitly allocated through the PCR solution for the day-ahead market, making those borders part of the single European electricity market.

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Slovenian - Croatian Market Coupling confirmed to launch on June 19th 2018

The Slovenian - Croatian Market Coupling Project received a final approval for launch on June 19th 2018.   .

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NEW - Trading Report for May 2018

We have decided to start publishing detailed Monthly Reports in order to provide you useful information on all trading segments.

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Apply - Exchange Trader Training Course on 21st June 2018

Exchange Trader Training Course offers professional training and examination for traders who wish to trade on BSP SouthPool Energy Exchange.

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We care - DONATION for 10 years of BSP

For the 10th Anniversary of BSP Energy Exchange, we have decided to help with a donation.

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Slovenian - Croatian Market Coupling to launch on June 19th 2018

The Slovenian - Croatian Market Coupling Project is scheduled to launch on June 19th 2018 (for delivery day June 20th 2018).

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Auction for the purchase of energy for TALUM d.d.

TALUM Tovarna aluminija d.d. Kidričevo, will perform an Auction for Purchase of Energy for the year 2019 in cooperation with BSP Energy Exchange. Talum is the biggest consumer of electric energy in Slovenia, that produces above 84.000 tons of aluminum per year. Auction will be performed on the 17th May between 10am and 11am through the Euro Market trading platform, that provides an automatic trading possibility to all market participants.

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1Q - All time high trading volume of 2,16 TWh

We have noticed a considerable increase in trading volume in 2018, especially in the Day-ahead trading segment. Total trading volume in 1Q reached 2,16 TWh.

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NEW - Trading Report for February 2018

We have decided to start publishing detailed Monthly Reports in order to provide you useful information on all trading segments.

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Market messages