Archive of Press Releases

New member of BSP SouthPool is GALA

The company will henceforth – as the 31th participant of the Slovenian electricity day-ahead market – actively participate in Slovenian market.

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Volume of concluded transaction in year 2011 already exceeded 1TWh

As of delivery date 09/19/2011 total volume of transactions concluded on Slovenian electricity market in year 2011 exceeded 1TWh.

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New member of BSP SouthPool is JAS

The company will henceforth – as the 30th participant of the Slovenian electricity day-ahead market – actively participate in Slovenian market.

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Website updated

As of 4.8.2011 our updated website is active. Along with minor design upgrades we introduced some new functionalities such as interacitive charts of trading.

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New member of BSP SouthPool is Gazprom

The company will henceforth – as the 29th participant of the Slovenian electricity day-ahead market – actively participate in Slovenian market.

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BSP SouthPool Traders' Party

BSP SouthPool annual networking themed event Traders’ Party took place on Friday, 20th May 2011 at Belvedere Pavilion by Lake Bled.

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BSP SouthPool was conferred the PCR Associate Member status

On General Assembly of EUROPEX members on May 24th, 2011 in Lisbon, the PCR Steering Committee decided at unanimity to confer BSP SouthPool the PCR Associate Member status.

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New Member of BSP SouthPool is EDF Trading

EDF Trading Limited became a new member of BSP SouthPool.

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Elektro Gorenjska – new active participant on the exchange

Company Elektro Gorenjska d.d. decided to upgrade its membership on BSP SouthPool with market and clearing participations.

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EFT – new active participant on the exchange

Company Energy Financing Team AD decided to upgrade its membership on BSP SouthPool with market and clearing participations.

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Successful launch of the Slovenian-Italian price market coupling

Launch of Market Coupling project on the Slovenian-Italian border.

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Changed trading schedule on the Slovenian Market

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Market messages