Archive of Press Releases

Go-live of ADEX

Belgrade / Ljubljana / Paris, 27 December 2022 Alpine-Adriatic Danube Power Exchange - ADEX, the first regional power exchange for Central and South-Eastern Europe, was officially established on 23 December 2022 in Ljubljana via formal signature of its founding members ELES, EMS, and EPEX SPOT. ADEX was established in the way of corporate merging between BSP SouthPool and SEEPEX, with the company’s headquarters in Ljubljana and main permanent offices in Ljubljana and Belgrade. The newly founded ADEX will offer harmonized one-stop-shop spot power trading services in Slovenia and Serbia, with...

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Second Market Coupling Consultative Group meeting

  Following its fruitful first meeting in June, the Market Coupling Consultative Group (MCCG) convened online for the second time on 1 December 2022. The event started with a brief presentation of the co-convenors of the group and its Terms of Reference (ToR).In two separate sessions representatives of NEMOs, TSOs, and stakeholders discussed topics related to the MCO organization, design, development, implementation, and operation of SDAC and SIDC such as non-uniform pricing (NUP), implementation of 15-min MTU, IDA implementation, curtailment management in EUPHEMIA algorithm among others....

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SIDC successful 4th wave go-live

  Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) parties confirm the successful fourth wave go-live integrating Greece and Slovakia, which joined SIDC on 29 November. Intraday trading is now extended across 25 countries coupled through SIDC. The go-live on 29 November integrated the Greek and Slovakian borders (GR-IT and GR-BG and SK-CZ, SK-HU, SK-PL) on which cross-border capacity on is now allocated, starting from 29 November, in the continuous trading through SIDC. You can read the full press release in attachment below.

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Market Coupling Consultative Group second meeting Agenda

  We would like to share with you the agenda for second Market Coupling Consultative Group meeting that will happen on 1st December. Your attendance is more than welcome. Please see the agenda in the attachments below.

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Record breaking Day-Ahead volume 40.447 MWh for delivery day 15.10.2022

The trend of strong activity of trading on BSP Energy Exchange in month of October 2022 continues. The trading volume on the day-ahead market on October 14, 2022 (for the delivery day of October 15) amounted to 40.446,966 MWh, which represents a new record value.

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Second Market Coupling Consultative Group meeting 1 December

  There will be second MCCG (Market Coupling Consultative Group) meeting on 1st December.

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Auction for the Transfer of the ECO Group Centre for the year 2023

  Borzen, the Slovenian market operator, will perform auction on thursday 20th October 2022, for the transfer of electricity from the ECO Group for the year 2022 in cooperation with BSP SouthPool Energy Exchange. The electricity from the ECO Group for the year 2023 will be sold in the same way as in the previous years, i.e. indirectly by transferring the whole ECO Group to another Balance Scheme Member's balancing group or subgroup. For that purpose an Auction will be organized, at which participants will be asked to bid the highest price in EUR/MWh for all the electricity produced in the...

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21st Annual Conference of the Macedonian Stock Exchange

  After a two-year break, the 21st Annual Conference of the Macedonian Stock Exchange was held on September 23rd in Ohrid, organized by the Macedonian Stock Exchange AD Skopje. This event brought together representatives of the financial sector and the securities industry, listed companies and other companies, state institutions and universities and all other entities whose activity is related to the operation or investment in securities in one place. Below is a link from the special report from the 21st annual conference of the Macedonian Stock Exchange:...

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SDAC Decoupling training session with Market Participants 13/10/2022

Since the go-live of Multi Regional Coupling (MRC, jointly with 4M MC forming SDAC) in 2014, more than 3,100 successful market coupling sessions have been conducted. In the last 4 years, four major incidents have happened that led to a partial decoupling of the SDAC Market. As part of the SDAC evaluation of these three incidents, recommendations have been made to perform training sessions involving all operational parties (Transmission System Operators [TSOs], Nominated Electricity Market Operators [NEMOs], Central Clearing Parties, Shadow Auction entities, etc.) including Market Participants....

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SIDC 4th wave go-live pre-launch event agenda 29th September

Market Coupling Steering Committee (MCSC) has published agenda for SIDC 4th wave go-live pre-launch event which will happen on 29th September 2022. The event is free of charge and will be held as webconference. We kindly invite you to participate in the event. Below in the attachment you can see the agenda for the event.

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No changes in Harmonised maximum clearing price for SDAC for delivery day 21st September

  On 23rd August Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) announced an expected change in the Harmonised Maximum and Minimum Clearing Prices for SDAC, where the harmonised maximum clearing price for Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) shall be increased to 5,000 EUR/MWh applied from 20th September 2022 (first trading session), for delivery date 21st September. Followed alignment with ACER and EC, and after the publication of the Presidency Summary from Extraordinary TTE (Energy) Council Meeting of 9 September 2022, where it is stated that “Ministers also called for sending a signal of confidence to...

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Public consultation results on Harmonized Maximum and Minimum Clearing Prices methodology SDAC and SIDC

  NEMOs published the above-mentioned consultation on the NEMO Committee website on 5th May 2022. The consultation period ended on 15th July 2022. The consultation received eighteen 18 responses from Stakeholders. Considering the responses of Stakeholders, NEMOs’ view and current market situation, NEMOs found that concerns and issues brought forward in the past few months support a need to amend the existing HMMCP methodology. Therefore, after careful consideration of all proposals, NEMOs will propose an amendment of HMMCP methodology. NEMOs plan to submit the amended HMMCP methodology to...

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Market messages