Archive of Press Releases

Read through - September Trading Report

We have decided to start publishing detailed Monthly Reports in order to provide you useful information on all trading segments.

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Q3 Total Trading Volume - 6% increase Y/Y

We have noticed a continuation of a positive trend in higher trading volumes also for 3rd Quarter 2017

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GO LIVE on 20th September - Block Products & Negative Prices

Block Products and Negative Prices will be possible to trade from the 20th of September 2017.

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LATEST - Trading Report for August 2017

We have decided to start publishing detailed Monthly Reports in order to provide you useful information on all trading segments.

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Trading volume already exceeded 5 TWh - 18% increase vs. same period last year

Trading volume has reached the 5 TWh mark already on the 30th of August.

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Record month for MI & MI6 Auctions - 57 GWh

Members on BSP have strenghtened their activity on Intraday Implicit Auctions in July.

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National Regulatory Authorities approve NEMO proposal to establish European Market Coupling Operator functions to further integrate day-ahead and intraday markets (the “MCO Plan”)

We are pleased to announce that all National Regulatory Authorities approved the MCO Plan on 26 June 2017. The MCO Plan includes all the necessary steps to accomplish a European market coupling operator function to integrate European day-ahead and intraday power markets.

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Number of hours with converged prices on SI-AT DA coupled markets grew for 682%

On 21st of July 2017, BSP together with its project parties, commemorates a first year of successful implementation of SI-AT DA market coupling enabling market participants simplify import or export of energy from/to Slovenian market. Expectations of achieving higher efficiency on the daily allocation process have been confirmed since adverse flows have disappeared and hours with converged prices between Slovenian and Austrian coupled markets have increased. With making this border a part of the pan-European Multi-Regional Coupling (MRC) also the BSP trading volume has grown.

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One year of successful Intraday market coupling on IT-SI Border

A year ago, Italian and Slovenian power exchanges GME and BSP SouthPool, together with the transmission system operators Terna and Eles operationally launched the Cross Border Intraday Implicit Allocation project (the “ID-IA project”), which has significantly improved the ID capacity allocation process on the IT-SI electricity border. In this respect, the Italian ID sessions of MI2 and MI6 were coupled with the correspondent sessions of the Slovenian ID auctions. Market participants accepted the new ID auction sessions well, which is proved through the constant growth of traded volume and...

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Read - New Trading report for June 2017

We have decided to start publishing detailed Monthly Reports in order to provide you useful information on all trading segments.

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1st half 2017 - increased trading volume by 20%

Members increased their activity in the first half of 2017 by 20%.

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The coupling of the Slovenian and Croatian markets: A further step towards the integration of the european power markets

29 June 2017 - The Transmission System Operators ELES and HOPS and Power Exchanges BSP and CROPEX have in 2017 launched a dedicated project with support of both national regulators Energy Agency (Slovenia) and HERA (Croatia). The goal is to implement the European target model for day-ahead Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management on the Slovenian - Croatian border.

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Market messages