Archive of Press Releases

Market Coupling Consultative Group meeting on 7th June

  Please save the date for the first Market Coupling Consultative Group Meeting, to be held online on 7 June! The Agenda and the details of registration processes will be shared with you shortly.

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Core Flow-Based Market Coupling Virtual Event

  The Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project Go-Live date is approaching quickly, and is planned to go-live on 8th June 2022 (trading day for delivery on 9th June). Therefore StormGeo - the leader in weather intelligence and advanced data science worldwide, ELES - Slovenian Transmission System Operator and BSP Southpool - Slovenian Power Exchange, are organizing an virtual event that will happen on 24th May 2022 from 14:00 till 15:00 via Zoom application. The event speakers include: Matej Godec from BSP as Head of Market Operations Blaž Kirn from ELES as Specialist for models and...

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Core Flow-Based Market Coupling Project Go Live set for 8th June 2022

  During the past two weeks, the Core project parties have intensively worked on solutions to resolve the remaining concerns raised by some parties with regard to certain aspects of the Flow-Based Day Ahead Capacity Calculation. As a result, Core project parties are able to announce the new go-live date: 08 June 2022 (Trading Day for delivery on 09 June 2022). You can read the full press release below.

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Results of the auction for the purchase of part of the electricity to cover losses and supply SODO in the electricity distribution system for 2023

  Today on 19th April 2022 we have successfully performed also the auction for SODO, our Slovenian distribution system operator. Therefore today there were two successful auctions performed on our EuroMarket platform for Auction trading for SODO and ELES. You can see full results of auction on SODO website.  

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Results of Auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses on the transmission system in the years 2023, 2024 and 2025

  The auction was organized on 19th April 2022 between 08:00 – 10:00 on EuroMarket trading platform which ensures anonymous and transparent trading for all participants. Results are available here.

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Harmonised maximum clearing price for SDAC to be set to +4,000 EUR/MWh from 10th May

  On trading day 3rd April 2022 for delivery date 4th April there was an occurence of high prices in France in hours 8 and 9. The high prices were 2,712.99 EUR/MWh in hour 8 and 2,987.78 EUR/MWh in hour 9, which means that current harmonised maximum clearing price will be increased from 3000 EUR/MWh to 4000 EUR/MWh. This change will apply from 10th May 2022 (first trading session). Please see the full press release in attachment below.  

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Postponement of Core FB MC Go Live

Core project parties concluded that the Core go-live planned for 20 April 2022 must be postponed as a go-live on this date could not be supported by some Core project parties. Market Coupling processes are prepared, and Core joint project parties are technically ready to prepare their local and central systems and expect to finish the remaining activities (last required tests and bilateral contracts) before 20 April 2022. More information can be found in the attached press release.

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Announcement of establishing the regional power exchange for Central and South-Eastern Europe - ADEX

We proudly announce the strategic merger between BSP Southpool and SEEPEX, with EPEX SPOT and the Transmission System Operators ELES from Slovenia and EMS from Serbia acting as founding shareholders. With this merger, we are establishing the regional power exchange for Central and South-Eastern Europe. The new power exchange is named Alpine-Adriatic Danube Power Exchange – ADEX, with the company’s headquarters in Ljubljana. ADEX will offer harmonised one-stop-shop spot power trading services in Slovenia and Serbia, with the ambition to also extend business and services to other countries in...

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Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project announces that member testing will start on 04.04.2022

  The member testing period is organized to give market participant an end to end overview of the Core FB MC project daily operations including timings and processes. Please note that clearing, settlement and nominations to your respective local TSO will not be tested. The member tests will be organized on business days only and will start on 04/04/2022 and will end on 08/04/2022 Member test timeline: Monday, 04/04/2022 - Normal operations Tuesday, 05/04/2022 – Partial Decoupling for reasons not related to the CZCs Wednesday, 06/04/2022 - Full Decoupling Thursday, 07/04/2022 - Missing...

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Auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses on the transmission system in the years 2023, 2024 and 2025

  ELES, Slovenian transmission system operator, has published invitation to participation on Auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses on the transmission system in the years 2023, 2024 and 2025 which will be performed via EuroMarket trading platform in cooperation with BSP Energy Exchange. Auction will be performed on the 19th of April 2022 from 8:00 am till 10:00 am via EuroMarket trading platform. Test period in Euro Market trading platform will be organised for all registered participants, in line with provisions described in the rules. All interested parties are invited to...

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Auction for the settlement of imbalances for 2023 by SODO

  The purchase of electricity for the needs of SODO includes the purchase of electricity for covering energy losses and balance supply to SODO from the scope of the service of general economic interest. The auction for the purchase of the first part of electricity for electricity losses in the distribution system and DO supply for 2023 will take place on Tuesday, 19 April 2022, between 8.00 and 10.00, at the premises of BSP Energetska Borza d. o. o. via the EuroMarket trading platform. Deadline for registration is on Tuesday, 12. 4. 2022 until 12:00 We invite you to read all the details...

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Core Flow-Based Day-Ahead Market Coupling Operational Readiness Webinar Invitation

  The project Parties involved in the Core Flow-Based Day-Ahead Market Coupling project (Core FB MC) would like to invite market participants to a webinar explaining the changes in the operational processes. Should you want to participate, please register via the following link: Should you need more information about the agenda, or would like to see the full press release, there is a document attached below

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Market messages