Archive of Press Releases

NEMOs and TSOs significantly enhance their cooperation around market coupling in the day-ahead and intraday timeframe

  All NEMOs and TSOs have been working incessantly over recent years to achieve a truly integrated European electricity market. This is reflected in the way forward to a new governance structure that entered into force on 14th January 2022. The first meeting of the newly formed MCSC (Market Coupling Steering Committee) took place on 2nd - 3rd February 2022. By integrating the decision making for both the day-ahead and intraday timeframe, the new structure will ensure further coordination, foster efficiency and create a faster decision-making mechanism. Rafael Gómez-Elvira González,...

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Apply - Exchange Trader Training Course on 15th February 2022

  Exchange Trader Training Course offers professional training and examination for traders wishing to trade on BSP SouthPool, and also for all who are part of energy sector and would like to refresh and further develop their knowledge about power trading. We have to remind you that in order to attend the exchange trader training course on location of BSP, you are obliged to have your EU digital COVID-19 certificate (vaccination, tested or recovered).

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Core Flow-Based Project parties announce the progress of Joint Integration Testing and new Go-Live date of the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project

  The project parties involved in the day-ahead Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project (Core FB MC) communicated on 19 November 2021 the delay of Core FB MC, due to external dependencies delaying a timely start of the first phase of Core Joint Integration Testing and technical issues encountered during the first weeks of testing, Core project parties would now like to share the progress made. The first phase of joint regional testing (Full Integration Testing - FIT) finished successfully on 13 January 2022. The next phase of the testing (Simulation Integration Testing – SIT) has started...

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New BSP record of total traded monthly volume in December 2021

The total traded volume in month of December amounted to 1,035 TWh, which means that we set a new record in total traded volume in a month. Previous record in a month was from January of 2020 where it amounted to 994,8 GWh and we have exceeded it by 4,09%. We have also set a new record in total traded volume in a month on Day-Ahead market where we have exceeded it by 4,42%, with 905,4 GWh total traded volume.

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Record Day-ahead trading volume of 38.121 MWh

BSP SouthPool has reached a new record trading volume on the Day-ahead market for the 24th January 2021 trading day

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Amendments to the Exchange Rules

Market participants are informed that with 1. January 2022, the new amendments to Exchange Rules will enter into force. The changes in the rules will cover the field of "Market Definition Slovenia" and "Products Definition".

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Postponement of the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project Go-Live date of end of February 2022

  External dependencies delayed the timely start of the first phase of Core Joint Integration Testing. In addition, technical issues encountered during the first weeks of the Joint Integration Testing, require extending the testing phase to ensure robustness of the systems. Fixes are being prepared to commence the required re-testing. Core project parties are working hard to minimise the delay. Due to high complexity of the systems and necessary alignment with external parties, current expectation is that the go-live would take place between beginning of Q2 2022 at the earliest and before...

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ENOS d.d. - new member on BSP

With our pleasure we can announce our newest member ENOS d.d. who has officially joined BSP on 24.11.2021. The core business of Enos, d.d. is the production of hot water for the needs of district heating in the town of Jesenice. In addition to the core business, the company produces and supplies electricity from efficient cogeneration, and distributes and supplies natural gas.

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BSP signed service agreement with Monetnegrin power exchange Mepx

BSP Energy Exchange on 20th October 2021 signed an agreement with Montenegrin power exchange Mepx for the provision of services related to the operation of the Montenegrin organized electricity market. EPEX SPOT will support Mepx in setting up the day-ahead market. BSP will put into place with Mepx clearing and settlement service for Montenegrin power exchange trades and for upcoming electricity market coupling projects with neighbouring countries.

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SIDC: Successful third wave go-live

Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) parties confirm successful third wave go-live integrating Italy, which joined SIDC coupling on 21st September. Intraday trading now extended across 23 countries coupled through SIDC. System performing well. Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) involved in the European Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC – formerly known as XBID) are pleased to confirm the successful go-live of the third launch of SIDC. The go-live on 21st September integrated the Northern Italian borders (IT-FR, IT-AT and IT-SI) as well as the...

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Auction for the Transfer of the ECO Group Centre for the year 2022

Borzen, the Slovenian market operator, will perform auction on tuesday 19th October 2022, for the transfer of electricity from the ECO Group for the year 2022 in cooperation with BSP SouthPool Energy Exchange. The electricity from the ECO Group for the year 2022 will be sold in the same way as in the previous years, i.e. indirectly by transferring the whole ECO Group to another Balance Scheme Member's balancing group or subgroup. For that purpose an Auction will be organized, at which participants will be asked to bid the highest price in EUR/MWh for all the electricity produced in the ECO...

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SDAC Decoupling training session with Market Participants 03/11/2021

Since the go-live of Multi Regional Coupling (MRC, jointly with 4M MC forming SDAC) in 2014, more than 2,700 successful market coupling sessions have been conducted. In the last 2 years, three major incidents have happened that led to a partial decoupling of the SDAC Market. As part of the SDAC evaluation of these three incidents, recommendations have been made to perform training sessions involving all operational parties (Transmission System Operators [TSOs], Nominated Electricity Market Operators [NEMOs], Central Clearing Parties, Shadow Auction entities, etc.) including Market...

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Market messages