Archive of Press Releases

Confirmation of Go-Live date for SIDC integration of Italy

SIDC: Confirmation of Go-Live date for SIDC integration of Italy; plans for integration of Greece and Slovakia The Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) of Local Implementation Project (LIP) 14 confirm the go-live date of 21st September for first deliveries on 22nd September. In the meantime, plans for the integration of Greece and Slovakia during 2022 have been devised by SIDC (Single Intraday Coupling). The NEMOs and TSOs cooperating in LIP 14, which aims to integrate the Northern Italian borders (IT-FR, IT-AT and IT-SI) as well as the...

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Second Foundation a.s. - newest member of BSP

We proudly present to you our newest member of BSP, the company named Second Foundation a.s. from Czech Republic, which has officially joined us on 13.09.2021.

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Introduction of Complementary Regional Intraday Auctions (CRIDAs) and implementation of new quantity resolution

Starting with September 21, 2021 for the delivery date September 22, 2021 CRIDAs will replace current Intraday Auctions (M2, MI6) The new CRIDAs will have different delivery hours, Gate Opening Times (GOT), Gate Closure Times (GCT) and time for Result publication. With the introduction of CRIDA auctions, the current MI6 auction for the delivery date 21.09.2021 will be canceled. CRIDA 1 (EM platform MI1) Delivery hours: H1-H24 GOT: 13:00 (D-1) GCT: 15:00 (D-1) Result publication: 15:30 (D-1) CRIDA 2(EM platform MI2) Delivery hours: H1-H24 GOT: 15:30 (D-1) GCT: 22:00 (D-1) Result publication:...

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Interim Coupling project: Go-live confirmed for 17 June 2021

15 June 2021. Interim Coupling project: Go-live confirmed for 17 June 2021 A further step towards an integrated European electricity market Following the successful completion of technical readiness, the go-live of the Interim Coupling project is confirmed for 17 June 2021 (first delivery day 18 June 2021). The Interim Coupling project aims to connect the 4M MC (Czech-Slovak-Hungarian-Romanian market coupling) with the Multi-Regional Coupling (MRC) by introducing Net Transmission Capacity (NTC) based implicit capacity allocation on six new borders: PL-DE, PL-CZ, PL-SK, CZ-DE, CZ-AT, HU-AT. The...

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Invitation to market participants to participate in the trial period SIDC and CRIDA

Invitation to interested market participants to participate in the trial period of single intraday coupling on the borders of SI-IT within the SIDC and CRIDA projects. The purpose of the trial period is to introduce new market participants to SIDC and CRIDA functionalities and processes. Market participants will access SIDC and CRIDA through the separate Local Trading Solutions (LTS), which in this case is the BSP platforms, and will receive all necessary information from BSP ( Local platforms may vary and may include additional functionalities that support...

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Starting with 17 June 2021 new operational timings to be applied for daily market coupling process

Starting with 17 June 2021 new operational timings to be applied for daily market coupling process  

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Revised Go-Live for SIDC integration of Italy and new SIDC Release

The Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) of Local Implementation Project (LIP) 14 have revised the project timeline

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Extension of SDAC to Bulgaria - go-live planned for 11 May 2021

The Bulgarian day-ahead market is planned to integrate to Single Day-ahead Coupling project (SDAC) on 11th May 2021

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SDAC decoupling training session - 3rd March 2021

SDAC Decoupling training session with Market Participants 3/3/2021 - Common invitation

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Partial decoupling of SDAC markets on13.1.2021 - In-depth investigation initiated

The Day-ahead Joint Steering Committee (JSC) initiated an in-depth investigation of the partial decoupling on the 13th of January

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Partial decoupling of SDAC markets

A partial decoupling of SDAC occured on the 13th January 2021

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Record trading volume in 2020 at 9.1 TWh

BSP SouthPool noticed a significant increase in Intraday trading activity in 2020

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Market messages