Archive of Press Releases

Austrian-Slovenian Market Coupling to launch on 12 July 2016

The Austrian-Slovenian Market Coupling Project is scheduled to launch on 21 July 2016. The Go-Live is subject to the final approval by the involved regulatory authorities.

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NEMO Committee established

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Cross Border Intra Day Implicit Allocation project on IT-SI border Go-live & Invitation to the members test

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New member of BSP SouthPool is NIS PETROL SRL

The company will henceforth as the 40th participant of the Slovenian electricity day-ahead and Intraday market actively participate in Slovenian market.

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Slovenia will introduce market coupling on two additional borders

As a member of Multiregional market coupling (MRC),  BSP is actively participating in the implementation of remaining European implicit allocation projects. After the successful go-live of SI-IT market coupling, BSP together with its project parties entered into realisation of SI-IT ID market coupling project and SI-AT DA market coupling project.   First, in  accordance  with  the  CACM  regulation, we announce  the launch of a pilot project aimed at improving the ID capacity allocation on the SI-IT electricity border. Such  project, ...

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One year of successfully market coupling on Italian Borders

Today BSP commemorates a first year of market coupling operations under the Multi-Regional Coupling (MRC) umbrella which utilizes the Single European electricity market.

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New member of BSP SouthPool is CRODUX ENERGIJA d.o.o.

The company will henceforth as the 42nd participant of the Slovenian electricity day-ahead and Intraday market actively participate in Slovenian market.

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BSP designated as NEMO in Slovenia

On 21 December 2015, the Slovenian Power Exchange BSP has been designated by the Energy Agency as a Nominated Electricity Market Operator (hereinafter: NEMO) for a period of 4 years, in order to perform the single day-ahead and intraday coupling within the territory of the Republic of Slovenia.

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Auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses on the transmission system in the years 2016, 2017 and 2018

ELES, Slovenian transmission system operator, has organised Auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses on the transmission system in the years 2016, 2017 and 2018 in cooperation with BSP. The auction was organised on 4th November 2015 between 08:00 – 10:00 on Euro Market trading platform which ensures anonymous and transparent trading for all participants. Results are available here.

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Invoicing in case of negative prices

According to Slovenian legislation, the purchase or sale of energy at negative price is considered as a “supply of services”. A sale of energy at a negative price, i.e. supplier selling energy to BSP, is thus regarded as a supply of service by BSP to supplier, and a purchase at a negative price, i.e. trading participant purchases energy from BSP, as a supply of service by the trading participant to BSP. Therefore the following 2 transactions are possible in relation to negative pricing: Sale at negative prices: supply of service by BSP (invoice for the service for the collection of excess...

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BSP entrusted Borzen with the reporting of transactions on wholesale energy market pursuant to REMIT

BSP d.o.o., Slovenian energy exchange, entrusted Borzen with the reporting of transactions on wholesale energy market pursuant to REMIT for all orders and trades on their exchange.   On 24th September 2015 Borzen d.o.o. was acknowledged the status of RRM for performing the REMIT service for energy market participants. More information is available here.  

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New member of BSP SouthPool is HERA TRADING SRL

The company will henceforth as the 44th participant of the Slovenian electricity day-ahead and Intraday market actively participate in Slovenian market.

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Market messages